Space ... The Final Frontier

No, this isn’t a post about Star Trek we’re talking about space on your graphics. In addition to figuring out your images and your font, you’re going to want to look at how things are. Whether it’s a book cover, logo, or anything else you design. Spacing is important. It must be attractive or customers will bypass it for something else they like more. Think about the largest companies in the world and their logos or advertising. Things are placed a certain way for specific reasons, to be attractive to consumers. It’s the same with book covers. You want your readers to be drawn to the cover so they’ll purchase your book. 

Compare the two different versions of the cover in this post. The first has a larger sized font that fills the bottom of the cover. It’s easily readable and would also appear better in a thumbnail image in an Ebook store. The image is also a good size. In the second image, the font is very small and the image doesn’t fill the space. 

The second cover isn’t as visually pleasing as the first. There’s no balance and we’re left with a lot of open space that could have been used. Instead of your eyes being drawn to the image and the title, it flits over to the empty space on the cover. Use your space wisely when creating your graphics. Keep it balanced and fill the space so the focus remains on what you want it focused on. Smaller images also become indistinct on the thumbnails in an Ebook store, especially for those that browse on their phones. If it’s a tiny abstract blur then readers will likely pass it by. I’m not saying do things larger than life, just be mindful of the way you’re placing things when creating your graphics.


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